Feb 12, 2025  
Beaufort County Community College 2024-2025 Catalog 
Beaufort County Community College 2024-2025 Catalog

Student Government Association Constitution


We, the students of Beaufort County Community College, desiring to be a voice that preserves within the College an atmosphere of free discussion, inquiry, and self-expression; as well as being a voice that promotes leadership, encourages responsibility, and represents the interests of the students of this institution, do hereby recognize this document as our Constitution, to be used as a basis of fulfilling our commitment as a liaison to the faculty and administration for our students.

Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be the Beaufort County Community College Student Government Association (SGA)

Article II - Purpose

The Beaufort County Community College SGA will serve as the official student body organization representing the best interest of the students and college. The SGA will provide opportunities for students to engage in professional development activities and will serve as a liaison to the administration of the College. The SGA will act as the coordinating body for all student clubs and organizations.

Article III - Membership

The Student Government Association shall be composed of seven executive council members and all curriculum students. Student Government shall not discriminate in its membership. Student Government is committed to the policy of Beaufort County Community College to be an equal opportunity institution.

Article IV - Membership Qualifications

Section I: Executive Council

Executive power shall be vested in SGA officers, who shall be known as the Executive Council. In order for a student to hold an Executive Council position in the SGA he/she must meet the following requirements:

  1. Currently enrolled at Beaufort County Community College
  2. Taking a minimum of 6 credit hours during fall and spring semesters in which they serve.
  3. Maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA while being an officer.
  4. In good faith, be able to serve for the full academic year for which they are elected.
  5. Enrolled in the previous semester and earned a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

Section II: Club and Curriculum Representatives

Each club and curriculum representative who are returning as a representative must be:

  1. Currently enrolled at Beaufort County Community College
  2. Represent a Beaufort County Community College club or curriculum
  3. In good faith, be able to serve for the full academic year for which they are selected

Article V - Meetings

Meeting of the Student Government Association may be called by the President at any time or upon request of the student body (5 members minimum) or by two-thirds of the Executive Council. The General meeting will be scheduled on the 4th Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters at 12:00 PM. The Student Government meeting shall be open to all Beaufort County Community College students.

Article VI - Student Government Officers

Section I: Executive Council

The Executive Council of the Student Government Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Special Populations officer, Historian/Public Relations Officer, and Parliamentarian.

Section II: Duties of the Executive Council Officers


  1. Serve as chief executive officer
  2. Preside over all Student Government Association meetings
  3. Meet weekly with SGA Advisor
  4. Maintain order in all events hosted in conjunction with SGA Advisor.
  5. Create agendas in cooperation with SGA Secretary and SGA Advisor
  6. Build and maintain a sense of unity and cooperation amongst students, facility, and staff
  7. Serve as an Ex-Officio member of Beaufort County Community College Board of Trustees
  8. Attend at least 2 of the 4 North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) meetings that are held during the spring and fall semesters

Vice President:

  1. Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence
  2. Attend all meetings (Closed and General)
  3. Support the President in fulfilling the executive functions of SGA
  4. Assist with elections
  5. Attend at least 2 of the 4 North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) meetings that are held during each year


  1. Attend all SGA meetings (Closed and General)
  2. Keep accurate minutes
  3. Work with the SGA President to form an agenda for each meeting
  4. Type and distributed minutes to the executive officers within four class days following each meeting
  5. Attend at least 2 of the 4 North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) meetings that are held during the spring and fall semesters


  1. Attend all SGA meetings (Closed and General)
  2. Report expenditures to the student body
  3. Keep up-to-date record of expenditure
  4. Meet with SGA Advisor before and after events for reporting purposes
  5. Attend at least 2 of the 4 North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) meetings that are held during the spring and fall semesters


  1. Attend all SGA meetings (Closed and General)
  2. Maintain parliamentary order at the Student Government Association meetings
  3. Have a workable knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order
  4. Oversee attendance roster.
  5. Act as advisor, in coordination with the SGA Advisor, to the Executive Council in the interpretation of the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
  6. Attend at least 2 of the 4 North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) meetings that are held during the spring and fall semesters

Historian/Public Relations Officer:

  1. Attend all SGA meetings (Closed and General)
  2. Maintain accurate records of all activities performed by the SGA
  3. Maintain public relations information of events, meetings, etc.
  4. Attend at least 2 of the 4 North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) meetings that are held during the spring and fall semesters

Special Populations Chairperson:

  1. Attend all SGA meeting (Closed and General)
  2. Assist Historian/Public Relations Officer in maintaining accurate records of activities performed by SGA
  3. Represent the needs and concerns of students
  4. Attend at least 2 of the 4 North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) meetings that are held during the spring and fall semesters

Section III: Absences

Any Executive Council Officer who is absent for two (2) or more consecutive meetings can be asked to resign. This decision will be made by the SGA Advisor and/or the Vice President of Student Services.

Section IV: Selection of Representatives

The chartered clubs and organizations shall select their representatives. The club advisor shall submit the names of the SGA representatives by the second week of classes in fall semester. Representatives will also be selected by curriculum lead instructors to ensure representation from all students. The Representatives will meet the same qualifications.

Article VII - Temporary Appointments

Chairpersons of various temporary committees necessary for only a short time shall be appointed by the President of the SGA, subject to the Association’s approval. Chairpersons of temporary committees shall appoint the members of their committee from the student body.

Article VIII - Absences of Representatives

Any member absent for more than two (2) meetings per semester can be asked to resign. The organization or curriculum advisor shall be notified of the dismissal within two (2) class days and a new representative shall be appointed.

Article IX - Elections

Section I: Election Procedure

  1. Executive Council members are elected by the student body.
  2. Elections will be held for the Executive Council positions in the spring semester and the results will be publicized by the end of the spring semester of that same academic year.
  3. Requirements for office will be read at February’s general meeting
  4. In the case of a voting tie, there will be another vote of the student body. In the case of a double tie, the candidates will interview with the Executive Council and the Executive Council will vote. If a tie remains, the SGA President will have the deciding vote.


Students desiring to run must have been enrolled the previous semester and must have earned a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Letters of Intent to run for SGA office are turned in by the first Tuesday in March to the SGA Advisor. Any offices not filled are filled by a majority vote of SGA Executive Council, SGA representatives and alternates at the first fall general meeting.

Section II: Procedures for Replacement of President

In the event the President, after being elected, cannot serve his/her term, the Vice President shall become the President. Then one member of the SGA Executive Board will have the opportunity to move to the Vice-President position. Any member moving from Executive Council position to another will maintain their previous requirements until replacement is found for their previous position.

Section III: Procedures for Replacement of the Executive Council

If any office in the Executive Council shall become vacant, other than that of the President, the position shall be filled by the Executive Council by a unanimous vote. If a unanimous vote is not achieved, an election will be held among the active Student Government Association members electing from the body an active member to office during the next meeting of the Student Government Association.

Section IV - Temporary Replacements

If any office in the Executive Board becomes vacant, then the SGA Advisor reserves the right to appoint a temporary replacement to the office until the office can be filled by a permanent replacement.

Article X - Tuition Assistance

Executive Council officers may receive a stipend at the end of each semester in which they serve if they participate in 80% of scheduled meetings and events. Officers must maintain enrollment in 6 credit hours and meet the academic requirements as stated in Article IV, Section I.

Article XI - Amendments

Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by members of the SGA or by ten (10) members of the student body. The proposed amendment shall be read at two (2) meetings of the SGA, with copies distributed to all members in attendance. The amendment shall be voted on after the second reading and will be ratified, if approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present.