Feb 12, 2025  
Beaufort County Community College 2023 - 2024 Catalog 
Beaufort County Community College 2023 - 2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Academic Advising

Students who have earned 16 or fewer credit hours, from Beaufort County Community College or by transfer, are advised by the Centralized Advising Center. Students who have earned more than 16 credit hours, from Beaufort County Community College or by transfer, are advised by advisors appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs in conjunction with the Dean of each academic division. Changes in advisor assignment may occur when an advisor leaves the College, a student changes their program of study, or upon written request to the Director of the Centralized Advising Center or an academic Dean. In the event of a student conduct issue, the Vice President of Student Services may recommend an advisor reassignment.

Academic Dishonesty

Students enrolled at Beaufort County Community College are expected at all times to uphold standards of integrity. Students are expected to perform honestly and to work in every way possible to eliminate academic dishonesty by any member of the institution.

Academic Dishonesty consists of any deliberate attempt to falsify, fabricate, or otherwise tamper with data, information, records, or any other material that is relevant to the student’s participation in any course, laboratory, or otherwise academic exercise or function. Attempts at academic dishonesty will be viewed as an attempt to defraud the College and may result in permanent expulsion.

Cheating is an attempt to deceive the instructor in the effort to evaluate fairly an academic exercise. Cheating includes copying another student’s homework, classwork, or required project (in part or in whole) and handing it in as one’s own work; giving, receiving, offering, and/or soliciting information on a quiz, test, or exam; or plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the copying of any published work such as books, magazines, audiovisual programs, electronic media, and films, or copying the theme or manuscript from another person, including another student, without proper attribution. It is plagiarism when one uses direct quotations without proper credit and when one uses the ideas of another without giving proper credit. When three or more consecutive significant words are borrowed, the borrowing should be recognized by the use of quotation marks and proper parenthetical and bibliographic notations.

If upon investigation the administrator or instructor determines that a student is guilty of cheating or plagiarism, the following penalties will apply:

  • The student will receive a penalty of no less than zero on the work.
  • The instructor will submit a written report of the incident using the Academic Dishonesty Report Form to the Vice President of Student Services.
  • The Vice President of Student Services will determine whether further disciplinary action is warranted.
  • All decisions may be appealed for review by the Student Appeals Committee.

Alcohol/Drug Abuse 

Education Group:

  1. Information will be provided during the “Health” segment of ACA 111  and ACA 122 .
  2. Workshops will be offered each semester.

Information will be available through the counseling staff in the Student Services Office.

Alcohol Controlled Substance Policy

Beaufort County Community College is committed to providing its employees and students with a safe and healthful environment. Beaufort County Community College also recognizes the use of alcohol and illegal use of controlled substances on campus grounds is detrimental to the health and safety of students, staff, faculty, and visitors. Beaufort County Community College also recognizes that it has the legal authority to establish policies addressing drug and alcohol use pursuant to 23 NCAC 02C.0210.
Therefore, Beaufort County Community College has set the following campus policies:

Illegal use or possession of controlled substances is prohibited by students, employees, and visitors:

  • on all campus properties or grounds including buildings, facilities and vehicles owned by or representing Beaufort County Community College;
  • at College-sponsored, conferences, meetings, activities, cultural events, trips or activities representing the College.

Use of alcohol is prohibited by employees, and visitors except as outlined in the provisions of the Facility Use Policy:

  • on all campus properties or grounds including buildings, facilities and vehicles owned by or representing Beaufort County Community College;

Use of alcohol is prohibited by students:

  • on all campus properties or grounds including buildings, facilities and vehicles owned by or representing Beaufort County Community College;
  • at College-sponsored conferences, meetings, activities, cultural events, or trips

Animals on Campus Policy

The Animals on Campus Policy addresses the college’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) with regard to reasonable accommodations for individuals with qualifying disabilities to ensure equal access to all college programs, activities and facilities. Animals on Campus Animals are permitted on college grounds; however, all animals brought onto college grounds must be under the control of the owner/handler at all times, and must be restrained by a leash or other appropriate device that does not exceed 6 feet in length. There are occasions when an animal may need to be brought on campus to meet an educational objective. Such requests should be made to the appropriate academic Dean prior to the animal being allowed onto campus. There are 4 categories pertaining to animals on campus:

  • Service Animal
  • Service Animal-in-Training
  • Emotional Support Animal (An Emotional Support Animal is not a “Service Animal”)
  • Pet

Emotional Support Animals, Service Animals, and Service Animals-in-Training are permitted in any area of campus where employees or students are permitted, with a few exceptions for health and safety reasons. Please reference Procedure 6.2401 for procedures related to each identified category.


Each year at the Graduate Recognition Ceremony students who have outstanding achievements in the areas of scholarship, service to the school and community, and extracurricular activities are recognized.

During the graduation exercises, the above outstanding achievements, in addition to the highest academic averages in a degree program, are recognized.


The College operates a bookstore for the convenience of its students and faculty. All textbooks, instruments, and supplies necessary in the academic programs of the College are available for purchase. The bookstore is operated under the direction of the Vice President of Administrative Services. A schedule is posted on the door to show when the bookstore is open.

Campus Police

The BCCC Campus Police protects and serves the college by providing professional law enforcement services and actively promoting community involvement through progressive community policing strategies and a commitment to education. BCCC Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency sanctioned and certified through NC Criminal Justice Training and Standards via General Statute (G.S. 115D.21.1). Campus Police officers have full powers of arrest within the jurisdictional area of the campus and adjoining streets. Campus Police officers provide many services to the campus community that promote safety and security awareness. The Campus Police office is located in Building 10, Room 10-02, and can be reached by phone at (252)940-6444 or (252)943-8721

Campus Regulations

Electronic Devices in Classroom Policy (Cell Phones, Bluetooth Headsets, etc.)

All personal electronic devices (cell phones, Bluetooth headsets, etc.) must be turned off and put away during class. If there is a compelling reason why you must have access to your cell phone or other device during class, you must obtain prior permission from the instructor. Students who disregard this policy may be asked to leave the classroom, and continued abuse of this policy may lead to being dropped from the class.

Children on Campus

Minors under age sixteen (16), unless enrolled as BCCC students, must not be left unattended on campus at any time. Without prior authorization from a college administrator (e.g., Vice President or Director), minors under age sixteen (16) are not allowed in classrooms, labs, shops, or other instructional areas. This policy also applies to BCCC off-campus sites.


Students enrolled in Beaufort County Community College (BCCC) are expected to conduct themselves as responsible adults. Failure to do so may result in expulsion. The campus police will make initial investigations of all non-academic breaches of proper conduct and violations of state, federal, and local law that jeopardize the academic mission of the College. All incidents will be referred to the Vice President of Student Services for review and disposal. Sanctions will be imposed on the student by the Vice President of Student Services if necessary. This does not exempt the student from facing criminal prosecution by the campus police for violations of law on campus property. The Vice President of Student Services will conduct a thorough investigation of all matters referred by the campus police as a result of information obtained in the initial investigation. The campus police will make initial investigations of the following prohibited acts:

  1. Interruption of or interference with operations of the College.
  2. Academic Dishonesty Procedure cheating, plagiarizing, or aiding and abetting another person in cheating or plagiarism.
  3. Destruction, damage, or misuse of College property.
  4. Possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs/controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages inconsistent with the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
  5. Possession, use or distribution of weapons inconsistent with North Carolina General Statutes and/or the Weapons on College Property Policy.
  6. Physical abuse of another person.
  7. Theft of another’s property.
  8. Violation of Campus Sexual Violence Act/Violence Against Women Act (SaVE Act/VAWA).
  9. Lewd or indecent acts on College premises, at College sponsored or College supervised activities or functions.
  10. When there is an articulable, imminent, and significant threat to the student or other individuals.
  11. Any other violation of College rules, regulations, and policies pertaining to conduct issues; as well as any other violation of state, federal, and local law not listed above.

Individuals having questions may contact the Vice President of Student Services at (252)940-6417 or the Vice President of Administrative Services at (252)940-6213

Campus Watch

Campus Watch is a program designed to alert the campus community that a formal process for reporting crimes and safety hazards exists on campus. Individuals can report incidents to the Campus Police in person or by phone at (252) 940-6444 and remain anonymous if they desire.

Change of Name or Address

Students are responsible for notifying the Admission’s Office immediately of any change of name or address. For name changes, students must present a government issued ID to the Admissions Office in building Student Services Building (9) and complete the Information Change form. For address changes, students may complete the online Information Change form.

College Colors

The official school colors are blue and white.

College Standing Committees

Standing committees recommend policies and procedures that affect the institution and the students we serve. The committees are composed of faculty, staff, and students. Any student interested in serving on one of these committees should contact the Vice President of Student Services in Building 9. In addition to student involvement in these committees, the Student Government Association president serves as a member of Leadership Council and the Board of Trustees (non-voting).

Communicable Disease Procedure

  1. Persons infected with communicable diseases shall not be excluded from enrollment or employment or restricted in their access to the College’s services or facilities unless medically based judgments in individual cases establish that exclusion or restriction is necessary for the welfare of the individual or the welfare of other members of the institution.
  2. Persons who know that they are infected with a communicable disease are urged to share that information, on a confidential basis, with the Vice President of Student Services so the institution can respond appropriately to their health and educational needs.
  3. Persons who know, or have reasonable basis for believing, that they are infected are expected to seek expert advice about their health circumstances and are obligated, ethically and legally, to conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge, for the protection of other members of the community.
  4. Students in programs which require bodily contact when performing services must follow Standard Precautions. These programs include:
ADN Associate Degree Nursing
PN Practical Nursing
MLT Medical Laboratory Technology
NA Nursing Assistant
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
COS Cosmetology
  Registered Barber
  Advanced Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic
  Phlebotomy Technician and Registered Medical Assistant
  1. Students in the above curricula are required to receive the hepatitis vaccine series or sign a declination form which will be kept in the student’s record. Additional communicable disease screening and vaccines are required for the ADN, PN, and MLT programs. Note - Communicable diseases may include, but are not limited to: Chicken Pox, Hepatitis, Measles, Tuberculosis, Meningitis, Mononucleosis, Whooping Cough, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), AIDS-Related Complex Zero-positive to AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Computer Use Guidelines for Students/Patrons

  • Individuals shall not create, display, transmit or make accessible any threatening, racist, sexist, obscene, offensive, annoying, or harassing language and/or material, including broadcasting unsolicited messages and sending unwanted mail.
  • The primary purpose of the Internet connection on the BCCC campus is to support research, education, and life-long learning.
  • The use of Internet access provided by BCCC for illegal, actionable, or criminal purposes is prohibited.
  • The use of the Internet for product advertisement, commercial activities, or political lobbying is also prohibited.
  • BCCC shall not be liable for any damages of any kind, including consequential or incidental damages, arising from the submission, installation, maintenance, transmission, copying, modification, distribution, or any use of any materials via the Internet.
  • The College affirms the rights and responsibility of parents of underage children to determine and monitor children’s use of materials and resources accessible on the Internet.
  • The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right.
  • Users are not to tamper with computer hardware or software configurations.
  • Students are not allowed to copy, install, or save anything to the hard disk of a PC without approval. Any unauthorized copies are subject to periodic deletion.
  • Malicious actions are subject to criminal and/or civil prosecution regardless of the official status of the offender.
  • Compliance with all copyright laws is mandatory. The user is responsible for being aware of the licensing restrictions.
  • Individuals shall not monopolize or misuse system resources.
  • Computer users shall not intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the computer network.
  • Individuals shall not engage in activities that damage or disrupt hardware or communication such as virus propagation, wasting system resources, and overloading networks with excessive data.
  • Individuals are responsible for the proper use of their accounts.
  • Children are not permitted in computer labs unless enrolled in a Continuing Education computer class.
  • All users who utilize the College’s computing and information resources must do so responsibly, respecting the integrity of the College, as well as the integrity of the physical facilities.
  • Users must respect the privacy and usage privileges of others.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in computer labs.
  • Users do not have an expectation of privacy regarding their use of the computing resources, and by accessing and using the College’s computing resources, users expressly consent to such monitoring, access, and use by the College. Failure to follow this policy may result in the suspension or revocation of computer privileges and/or other College disciplinary action.

Counseling Services

The counseling department provides professional assistance to all curriculum and continuing education students. Counselors are available each workday and Monday through Thursday evenings by appointment to assist students in assessing and understanding their abilities, aptitudes, interests, and personal characteristics. Counselors are informed of current employment trends and have information available concerning job opportunities in order that students may make more informed career decisions. As the career direction is determined, counselors are able to assist students in understanding programs of study which will facilitate the achievement of long-range goals. Counselors specialize in the areas of financial assistance, career planning and placement, admissions and assessment, academics, and personal concerns.

Distance Education Statement of Privacy

Beaufort County Community College is committed to protecting your privacy through technology that gives you a powerful and safe online experience. This Statement of Privacy applies to Beaufort County Community College’s website and governs data collection and use at all Beaufort County Community College sites and services. Please read the complete Statement of Privacy to learn additional details about how some of these sites and services protect your personal information.

Personal Information

Beaufort County Community College will not disclose your personal information, except as required to do so by law, or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:
(a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Beaufort County Community College; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Beaufort County Community College or (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Beaufort County, its website, or the public. Under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, a student’s academic and financial files at Beaufort County Community College will not be released to any third party without the written consent of the student.

Use of Cookies

Cookies may be used to identify a user, and they may be used to track individual preferences and other information about a web user. Blackboard products use this technology to provide secure learning experiences, track usage and manage application performance. Beaufort County Community College will not use cookies to run programs. Content and tools used in conjunction with Blackboard products may install additional cookies on your computer. This third-party content may include cookies from the content issuer. These third-party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. Beaufort County Community College therefore has no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. For your protection, Beaufort County Community College suggests you review the privacy and security policies of the company websites for each link. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to experience fully the interactive features of Blackboard or other websites you visit.

Links to Other Websites

Beaufort County Community College provides links to other websites that may be useful for our students and/or customers. Beaufort County Community College cannot make any guarantee regarding the linked sites, their content, or their security. For your protection, Beaufort County Community College suggests that you review the privacy and security policies of the company websites for each link.

Security of your Personal Information

Beaufort County Community College secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Beaufort County Community College secures the personally identifiable information you provide on computer servers in a controlled environment protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. These measures include Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software during the transmission of your information, which encrypts this data. However, we cannot guarantee that your submissions to our website, any content residing on our servers, or any transmissions from our server will be completely secure.

Blackboard, email, and the campus network can only be accessed in accordance with the current BCCC login procedure. Students must use the BCCC’s naming convention.

Changes to This Statement

Beaufort County Community College may occasionally update this Statement of Privacy and encourages you to review this Statement periodically to remain informed of how Beaufort County Community College is protecting your information.

Distance Learning

Distance Learning at BCCC includes videoconferencing, online and hybrid courses. Continuing Education offers online courses via Education To Go. Beaufort County Community College provides courses for people who want to continue their education but cannot attend classes on a traditional schedule. The admission requirements, placement scores, methods of evaluations and other conditions of eligibility are consistent with the state requirements for curriculum courses.

  • Video Conferencing - North Carolina Information Highway classroom (NCIH) - NCIH Teleclassrooms provide a video and audio interactive learning environment between two to five classrooms simultaneously.
  • Online Courses - BCCC offers curriculum online courses via the Internet. Curriculum distance learning courses are equivalent to the on-campus sections of the same courses in terms of objectives, contact hours, rigor, and transferability.
  • Hybrid Courses - The classes can be defined as instruction that mixes face-to face classroom learning with distance education methods. Students taking hybrid courses will be required to spend time on campus and will be required to access their course online. A textbook and/or specific course material may be required. A computer lab in the Library is available for online courses.
  • Web-Enhanced Courses - Courses that are traditional face-to-face classes that are augmented with online components. For example, students may check grades or view a syllabus online. Unlike hybrid courses, web-enhanced classes continue to hold all of their meetings on-campus.

The goals of distance education at BCCC include:

  1. Making educational opportunities more flexible
  2. Increasing student access by making courses easily available
  3. Increasing student access by making courses available in alternative formats
  4. Increasing independence in student learning
  5. Meeting the needs of local employers
  6. Increasing access to new audiences

The Division of Continuing Education offers online and Alpha Sprout courses through Education To Go. Courses are designed to meet students’ needs and interests by enabling learners to take classes in the comfort of their own homes. Easy access to online courses offers the opportunity for adult learners to take courses at their convenience without traveling to campus.

Grade Reports

Final grades can be viewed via your Self-Service account at the close of the term.

Graduation Exercises

Graduation exercises are held once a year. Students are encouraged to participate in graduation exercises.

Guided Tours

Visitors are always welcome at Beaufort County Community College. Tours may be scheduled through the Admissions Office.


Beaufort County Community College provides no health services other than first aid.

Emergency treatment is available at ECU Health Beaufort Hospital.

First Aid Stations are located in the following areas:

Building 1 Room 118 & switchboard
Building 2 Suite 111
Building 3 Room 111 (copier room)
Building 4 Room 101
Building 5 Louise R. Lester Library (main desk)
Building 6 Maintenance Shop (non-academic and non-instructional)
Building 7 Room 700 (wall to right of entrance door)
Building 8 Room 804
Building 8A South Classroom
Building 9 Room 918
Building 10 Room 18 (Breakroom)
Building 11 Room 1105 (Conference Room)
Building 12 Room 1221 (Entrance to Faculty Suite)

For additional sites or information, contact the Office of Student Services at (252) 940-6259.


Upon request, the Counseling Office will provide a list of local apartment rental agencies.

Inclement Weather

Weather Emergencies & Inclement Weather - Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

In case of impending and/or threatening weather:

  1. While you are at work/school:
    1. Listen for broadcasts over the college intercom system.
    2. Observe postings on the digital sign in front of the college
    3. Decisions will be made in a timely manner to close the college.
    4. Deans will be contacted by phone or in person with specific instructions.
    5. The Leads shall be responsible for notifying their staff.
  2. If threatening weather is about to affect the campus with limited advance warning:
    1. Close all windows and doors in your immediate work area.
    2. Go to an inner hallway or room as close to the center of the building, as possible.
    3. Sit on the floor and wait for further instructions.
    4. Do not attempt to go back to your work area or leave the campus.
  3. The following media outlets will broadcast college operational schedules:
    1. Television
      1. WITN TV- Greenville
      2. WNCT TV-Greenville
      3. WCTI-New Bern
      4. WFXI (FOX) 8 & 14-Greenville and Morehead City
    2. Radio
      1. FM 107.9
      2. FM 95.1
      3. FM 93.3
      4. FM 103.3
      5. FM 95.9
      6. FM 99.5
      7. FM 101.9
      8. FM 88.5

Information supplied to the above-listed FM stations is automatically relayed and announced on their AM parent stations. Information on our operational schedules is also available via the BCCC website and via email and text communication from the College. Conditions will vary in different parts of our service area. If all media options are out of service, use your best judgement or stay home.

Library and Learning Resources

The Louise R. Lester Foundation Library (Library) at BCCC includes Audiovisuals/ Distance Learning, both North Carolina Information Highway (NCIH) and BlackBoard online learning, as well as library instruction and resource services. The purpose of the Library is to enrich the teaching/learning process of the College and the community by providing current, quality resources, program-area support, equipment, and programming.

The Louise Lester Foundation Library

The Library, located in the Library and Early College High School building, provides resources and services that support, facilitate, and enhance the information and learning needs of the college community. The collection consists of print, streaming and online materials.

Services Available in the Library

  • CCLINC- online access to the combined collection of North Carolina community college library holdings.
  • NCLIVE-a statewide library cooperative, provides content, products, services, professional development and technical support to NC Libraries.
  • Assistive Technology is available for the hearing and visually impaired.
  • ILL (Interlibrary Loan) - BCCC Library has the capability to borrow from and lend to various libraries through-out the United States. Materials available through this service include books and periodicals.
  • Streaming Media Collection - Access to over 10,000 audio, TV, movies, e-books, music, and periodicals.
  • Computer Labs, Laptop check-out, Virtual Reality and Makerspace items
  • A copy machine and scanner are available for patron use.
  • Proctoring Services/Lockdown Testing are available in the library. Patrons using the BCCC library must present proper identification when applying for a library card that allows computer use and material check out. Print reference materials, newspapers, magazines, journals, and makerspace items may be used in the library.

Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Library hours are subject to change during holidays or summer term. For additional information, call 252-940-6282.

Audiovisual Department

Audiovisual support for faculty, staff, and students is available through the AV Department. Services include:

  • Audiovisual equipment needs for the instructional classroom.
  • Computer/data projection devices for instruction.
  • Technical and AV equipment needs/services for functions held at the College

The Learning Enhancement Center

The Learning Enhancement Center (LEC), located in Building 3 Room 126, is a creative and collaborative learning community designed to assist students with multiple facets of their academic careers. Open by referral to all currently enrolled curriculum students, the center offers a number of skill-building services to complement and supplement student coursework in a comfortable atmosphere and at an individualized pace. LEC services are free of cost to all students. The LEC maintains a weekly schedule of professional, faculty, and peer tutoring in several core disciplines: writing, mathematics, natural and social sciences, technology, humanities, and more. Tutoring is available on a drop-in basis, depending on tutor availability, but appointments can be made in advance via the LEC website. The center is also equipped with an expansive computer lab for students who need extra assistance and practice with current academic technologies and multi-media projects. Proctored testing, in coordination with faculty, is provided in the LEC for traditional and computer-based tests. Finally, the LEC offers periodic workshops, guest speakers, and other development opportunities for both students and faculty alike. For additional information, contact the LEC Director at (252) 940 - 6338.

Lost and Found

The BCCC Campus Police retain lost and found items until they are claimed or returned to the proper owner.


Both the administration and the SGA encourage students to initiate and participate in any clubs which relate to their educational activities. Active clubs on campus are the following:

  1. BCCC Automotive Club
  2. BCCC Environmental Alliance
  3. BCCC Mechanical Engineering Club
  4. BCCC Study Abroad program
  5. BCCC Welding
  6. BCCC Write On - Writing Club
  7. Beaufort County Association of Nursing Students (BCANS)
  8. Club Waves (Cosmetology)
  9. Gamma Beta Phi
  10. LGBTQ Club
  11. Medical Lab Technology (MLT) Club
  12. Men of Success
  13. Fine Arts Club

Phone Calls

In the case of emergencies or urgent situations, Campus Police will contact the student and deliver the information. Students are asked to notify relatives and close friends that, under such circumstances, they should contact Campus Police and briefly state the nature of the emergency or urgent situation. Campus Police will look up the student’s schedule and contact him/her immediately. After 5 p.m., and on Saturdays, contact Campus Police at (252)940-6444 or (252)943-8721.

Presidents and Dean’s List

Beaufort County Community College encourages academic excellence by publicly recognizing students who excel in their curriculum requirements. Full-time students who achieve a 4.00 grade point average for the semester are placed on the President’s List for that semester. Full-time students who achieve between a 3.50 and 3.99 grade point average with no grade lower than a C are placed on the Deans’ List. Students who receive an incomplete are not eligible for either the President’s List or the Deans’ List. The President’s List and the Deans’ List are mailed to area newspapers at the end of each semester by the public information officer.


Student publications are encouraged and developed with assistance from advisors. For instance, Life on the Pamlico, a cultural journal, is published as a part of HUM 120 .


Beaufort County Community College offers two semesters and one summer term of coursework during each school year. Students must register at the beginning of each semester in which they plan to attend. Registration is permitted only on announced registration days (refer to the academic calendar). Registration is normally held several weeks before the semester begins. Students should meet with their advisor to evaluate progress and plan the courses to be taken during the following semester. Any student who has overdue library materials or who is delinquent in the payment of any fees, fines, or other obligations to the College will not be permitted to complete the registration process until the student has satisfactorily resolved the situation.

Services for Students with Special Needs

Beaufort County Community College has a Special Populations Coordinator (SPC) available on a part-time basis to provide consulting and planning strategies for students who have documented special needs. The SPC will coordinate special services such as interpreters for the hearing impaired, note-takers, auxiliary aids, testing modifications, and academic planning. To receive services students must complete an Accessibility Services application and provide appropriate documentation. The office is in Building 9, Room 923, or call 252-940-6351.

Smoking/Tobacco Free Campus Policy

Beaufort County Community College is committed to providing its employees and students with a safe and healthful environment. Beaufort County Community College also recognizes the use of tobacco products on campus grounds is detrimental to the health and safety of students, staff, faculty, and visitors. Beaufort County Community College also recognizes that it has the legal authority to prohibit tobacco use pursuant to G.S. 143-599.
Therefore, Beaufort County Community College has set the following tobacco free campus policy, to be implemented on August 1, 2010.

Use of Tobacco is Prohibited by Students, Staff, Faculty or Visitors:

  • in all campus buildings, facilities and vehicles owned by Beaufort County Community College;
  • on campus grounds and property owned by Beaufort County Community College:
  • at lectures, conferences, meetings, social and cultural events held on school property or school grounds.
  • For the purposes of this policy, tobacco is defined as any type of tobacco product including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, bidis, hookahs, smokeless or spit tobacco or snuff.

Beaufort County Community College also prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs or e-cigarettes), personal vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). Implemented and Board Approved 10/7/14

Opportunities for Cessation

Administration will consult with county health department and other health organizations to provide faculty, staff, and students with information and access to free programs and services to help them abstain from the use of tobacco products.

Implementation & Compliance

  • A campus committee shall develop a plan for communicating the policy with students, staff, faculty, and visitors and will insure appropriate campus signage.
  • Smoking waste management products such as ashtrays shall be removed.
  • Visitors who repeatedly violate the policy shall be asked to leave campus
  • Staff and faculty who repeatedly violate the policy shall be referred to their supervisor and shall be given tobacco cessation materials. Repeated violations by staff or faculty can result in further personnel action.
  • Enforcement of this policy for students shall include the provision of an oral warning for the first offense and a written for the second offense. The written warning shall be filed with the Vice President of Student Services. The record shall be purged three years from the date of the last incident. If a student is observed in violation of this policy a third time, he/she may be disciplined by the Vice President of Student Services as a violation of the student conduct code.

Social Life

Social, cultural, and educational enrichment is provided throughout the year in a number of activities. Students who pay the activity fee are eligible to participate in these activities.

Student Activities

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association provides an organized avenue of student involvement in the College. The SGA implements and plans activities that provide students with social and service projects, which interest them. Each curriculum/club elects or selects representatives to serve in the SGA. Officers are elected by the student body in a general election during spring semester.

Student Center and Food Service

The Student Center is located in the Student Services/Science Building (Building 9). It offers television and other activities. A food service facility is located in the Library and Early College High School Building.

Student Concern/Complaint Process

Student input regarding the programs, services, and operations of Beaufort County Community College (BCCC) are welcomed by the administration, faculty, and staff.

Step 1

Students with concerns or complaints (either verbal or written) regarding programs, services, and operation of BCCC should contact the following individuals:
Continuing Education
Dr. Stacey Gerard
Building 8, Room 808A

Jason Squires
Building 1, Room 211

It is recommended that students discuss issues with their instructor(s) before proceeding to this step.

Allied Health
Dr. Kent Dickerson
Building 12, Room 1237

Arts & Sciences
Samantha Spencer
Building 3, Room 110

Business, Technology, and Public Services
Ben Morris
Building 2, Room 111C

Paula Hopper
Building 5, Room 104G

Step 2

Students who feel that their concern/complaint has not been resolved by the individuals listed above may contact the Vice President responsible for that area of the college.

Step 3

Issues unresolved by Step 2 which affect a student’s grades, eligibility to take courses, and/ or participation in curricula or extra-curricular programs and events may file an appeal with the Vice President of Student Services following the “Student Rights and Due Process” outlined in the BCCC catalog.

All written concerns/complaints submitted by students to the supervisory level of the College should be forwarded along with a description of the resolution by that supervisor to the Vice President of Student Services to be filed.

Student Incident Procedures

Faculty and staff members are reminded that it is their first responsibility to take such actions as are necessary to avoid or eliminate disruptive, aggravating, difficult, or dangerous situations. Argumentative and threatening statements shall not be made. No action should be taken which is prejudicial to the rights of the student or which may restrict the course of action that may later be taken by the college. Procedures for the handling of student disciplinary matters are listed below.

Reporting Incidents

  1. A Beaufort County Community College student who violates a college regulation or any other policy of Beaufort County Community College is subject to disciplinary action. Any Beaufort County Community College student, faculty, or administrator may submit a complaint against a student accused of infractions of rules applying to student behavior. The complaint should be written on an incident report form as soon as practical but no later than two (2) college working days following the incident. Incident report forms are available on BCCC’s web page. An incident reported within two (2) college working days may be investigated by the vice president of student services. The incident report form must also be submitted by the Vice President of Student Services to the following individuals or their designees:
  • Incident reports involving Curriculum students shall be submitted to the Vice President of Student Services.
  • Incident reports involving Continuing Education students shall be submitted to the Vice President of Continuing Education.

Student Complaint Against Another Student

  1. The complainant shall submit an incident report form to the Vice President of Student Services that shall include the name of the accused, the date and time of the incident, a specific description of the alleged behavior, witnesses to the incident, and the rules violated by the alleged behavior. The Vice President of Student Services shall immediately schedule an appointment with the complainant and will decide with the complainant:
    1. If the complaint can be resolved by a discussion between the complainant and the accused; or
    2. Whether the complaint should be forwarded to the Student Appeal Committee. For complaints to be heard by the Student Appeal Committee, the complainant or the Vice President of Student Services must notify in writing to the appropriate vice president of the complaint and also request that the Student Appeal Committee be convened to hear the charges.

I. Sanctions

A. Reprimand

A BCCC student committing minor misconduct will be counseled and reprimanded by the Vice President of Student Services. A copy of the incident report will be given to the student as an official written notice. The vice president of student services will place a copy of the incident report in a student discipline file.
***The incident report and the reprimand will be recorded on the same form that is placed in the student’s discipline file.

B. Conditional Status

A BCCC student who has received a reprimand and then violates a college regulation may be placed on conditional status by the Vice President of Student Services. A student who violates a college regulation as listed under Students’ Rights, Responsibilities, and Regulations may be placed on conditional status without having previously received a reprimand. Conditional status may include a restriction from an area or service a student has abused (e.g., computer access in the library) or from the college campus entirely. Conditional status may include other requirements such as specific academic, attendance, or behavioral standards. BCCC Campus Police Department will be notified of and will enforce the student’s conditional status. The appropriate dean and vice president of said program shall be notified as well. If any of the conditions of conditional status are violated, the student who is placed on conditional status may be subject to more severe sanctions up to and including dismissal.

C. Restitution

A student who damages, misuses, destroys, or loses college property will be required to pay for the replacement of such property. Campus Police will investigate initially and will complete an incident report. The fair market value of the property will be calculated by Campus Police. The report shall be turned over to the Vice President of Student Services for proper recourse. Other disciplinary procedures and or criminal charges may be applied in addition to restitution. Students with an outstanding monetary balance are not allowed to register at BCCC, receive transcripts, etc.

D. Withdrawal From Class or Program

Responsibility for classroom control and discipline rests with the instructor. Instructors are not expected to tolerate the continued presence of any student whose behavior adversely affects the progress of a class. An instructor who believes it is necessary to withdraw a student because of a serious violation of college policy or other behavior which adversely influences the educational process should report the incident to the dean. If both the dean and the instructor decide that removal of the student from the class or program is necessary, the student will be informed, and a withdrawal form will be completed and processed. The dean will inform the Vice President of Academic Affairs of the student’s withdrawal from class and advise the student of his/her right to appeal to said dean or through the Student Appeals Procedure.

E. Suspension/Banning:

A BCCC student who commits an act of misconduct which threatens the health or well-being of any member of the academic community or causes serious disruption at the college will be suspended/banned immediately from the college for no less than one semester. Examples of these incidents include but are not limited to

  • Possession of weapon
  • Physical Assault
  • Violation of court order
  • Communication of threats (to campus employees or students whereby the perceived threat of physical harm is evidenced)
  • Sexual Assault
  • Non-affiliated loitering
  • Possession/Consumption of alcohol
  • Possession/Sale/Use/Consumption of illegal drugs

An incident report form shall be completed and submitted to the Vice President of Student Services. The Vice President of Student Services is responsible for investigating the incident and for implementing the suspension of a student from Beaufort County Community College’s program under his/her respective purview. The student shall be notified of the suspension in writing immediately. Written notice shall be presented in person or by mail, providing the student with a list of the charges, the rules that were violated, the suspension decision, and Disciplinary Appeals Procedures. A student may be notified by phone of his/ her suspension/banning but written notice will also be given.

II. Incident Appeals Procedure

A student who has received discipline from the Vice President of Student Services or has been banned from campus by the BCCC campus police department may appeal their discipline or banning by following the guidelines via College procedure 3.2403.

Student Records and Privacy Rights

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (PL 93-380), commonly referred to as the Buckley Amendment, or FERPA, sets forth requirements governing the protection of student privacy. To comply with and promote the intent of the Act, the College has adopted the following: Student records are maintained for academic purposes. The materials therein allow the College to validate a student’s academic performance. Therefore, the records are at the disposal of the student, advisor, and the personnel responsible for the maintenance of those records. Other College staff are not allowed access to records without reason. Non-College personnel must have the student’s written permission to review a student’s record. Student directory information may be released without the student’s written consent. FERPA release forms are available in the Registrar’s Office.

The College has designated some student information as public or directory information. The College may disclose such public or directory information for any purpose: Name, Telephone Number, Student Mailing Address, Email Address, Major Field of Study, Dates of Attendance, Expected Graduation Date, Degrees and awards received, and Student Enrollment Status. The college may disclose any of these items without prior written consent, unless notified in writing to the contrary. Student names and College generated email addresses may be used and observed by students in any course in which they are enrolled for course participation and attendance verification.

If a student does not want directory information released, a request to withhold directory information  form must be completed and filed with the Registrar’s office.

Student Responsibilities

  1. You must complete all application forms accurately and submit them on time to the right place.
  2. You must provide correct information. In most instances, misreporting information on financial aid application forms is a violation of law and may be considered a criminal offense, which could result in indictment under the U.S. Criminal Code.
  3. You must return all additional documentation, verifications, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which you submitted your application.
  4. You are responsible for reading and understanding all forms that you are asked to sign and for keeping copies of them.
  5. You must accept responsibility for all agreements that you sign.
  6. You must perform the work that is agreed upon in accepting College Work- Study assignments.
  7. You must be aware of and comply with the deadline for application for aid.
  8. You should be aware of the College’s refund policy.
  9. All schools must provide information to prospective students about the school’s program and performance. You should consider this information carefully before deciding to attend a school.

Student Rights

  1. You have the right to know what financial aid programs are available at Beaufort County Community College.
  2. You have the right to know the deadlines for submitting applications for each of the financial aid programs available.
  3. You have the right to know how financial aid will be distributed, how decisions on that distribution are made, and the basis for these decisions.
  4. You have the right to know how your financial need was determined. This includes how costs for tuition, fees, room, board, transportation, books, supplies, and personal and miscellaneous expenses are considered in your budget.
  5. You have the right to know what resources such as parental contribution, other financial aid, your assets, etc. were considered in the calculation of your need.
  6. You have the right to know how much of your financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office has been met.
  7. You have the right to request an explanation of various programs in your student aid package.
  8. You have the right to know what portion of the financial aid you received must be repaid and the payment procedures.
  9. You have the right to know the refund policy of the College.
  10. You have the right to know how the Financial Aid Office determines whether or not you are making satisfactory progress and what happens if you are not.

Student Rights and Due Process

Students of Beaufort County Community College have the right to appeal determinations affecting their grades, eligibility to take courses, and/or participation in curricula or extracurricular programs and events.

Grade Appeal Procedure

Students of Beaufort County Community College have the right to appeal determinations affecting their grades, eligibility to take courses, and/or participation in curricula or extracurricular programs and events via College procedure 3.2402. Students may appeal final course grades only and under the following circumstances: 1. Capricious or prejudicial grading on the part of the faculty member in which the student is treated differently than other students in the class; 2. A mathematical error in computing the final grade for the course. Students appealing a final course grade that would prevent them from enrolling in a subsequent course and/or continuing in a program will be allowed to enroll and participate in the subsequent course and/or program until the appeals procedure is finalized. The student will be held financially harmless if the appeal is not in the student’s favor.

Student Support Services Program

Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program. The program assists students with academic development, personal and leadership development, and transfer to four-year colleges and universities. The goal of SSS is to increase college retention and graduation rates of its participants and to help students make the transition from one level of higher education to the next.

Student Support Services enriches the college experience by providing these services:

  • Tutoring
  • Academic coaching
  • Transfer support including college and university campus visits
  • Assistance with developing an educational plan
  • Leadership skills development
  • Financial Aid assistance and financial literacy information
  • Career planning and professional development
  • College success and life skills workshops
  • Community service opportunities
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Cultural enrichment experiences
  • Access to reference materials
  • Designated technology center with printing.

These services are available at no cost to students who are accepted by the College and meet the eligibility requirement established by the U. S. Department of Education. Additional information and a program application may be obtained from the TRIO/ Student Support Services Offices in Building 1, room 120 and Building 9, rooms 914 and 921.

Testing Service

Counselors are professionally qualified to administer and interpret a variety of tests. These tests are administered and interpreted to students as the need arises during the counseling or admission processes.

Traffic Regulations

Parking and Traffic Procedure

All faculty, staff, and students are required to obtain a parking permit from the BCCC Police Department. Each person is required to provide a valid registration card for the vehicle they wish to register. Students are also required to provide a current paper or electronic student schedule displaying their student ID number. The cost of parking permits is $10.00 per year for students and there is a $5.00 fee for the replacement of a lost parking permit.
Long-term visitors and/or Continuing Education students will be required to obtain a temporary parking permit from the appropriate department.
All vehicles should be parked in designated areas and/or appropriately marked spaces. A campus map detailing parking areas can be found under the About BCCC on the College website. Employees and/or students shall not park in spaces that are designated for visitors or areas that have been reserved.
The following is a list of traffic offenses that are considered violations of BCCC’s policy and North Carolina General Statutes.

  • Exceeding posted speed limit.
  • Failure to stop at stop sign.
  • Reckless driving.
  • Seat belt violations.
  • Failure to remain at scene of accident.
  • Driving without a license.
  • Expired vehicle registration.
  • Moving barricades or other traffic control devices.
  • Blocking or impeding traffic.
  • Loud music from vehicles.

The fine for each BCCC moving violation is $15.00 unless charged on a NC State Citation.
Please be aware that this list is not all inclusive and they are the most commonly charged offenses. A full list of laws regarding traffic violations can be found in Chapter 20 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
The following is a list of parking offenses that are considered violations of BCCC’s Parking and Traffic policy.

  • Failure to display valid BCCC parking permit
  • Unauthorized handicapped parking or permit display
  • Parking in a designated fire lane or loading zone
  • Parking on grass or unapproved surface
  • Double parking
  • Impeding sidewalk
  • Backing into a space with adjoining sidewalk

The fine for each BCCC parking violation is $5.00 unless otherwise noted on the citation.

Failure to pay fines for a BCCC Citation will result in student and employee accounts being flagged. All NC State Citations are handled at the Beaufort County Court House on the date and time to appear.


Students may obtain copies of their curriculum transcript upon written or electronic request to the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts can be ordered electronically on the National Student Clearinghouse website to be sent electronically through email. Cost is reflected on the Select Transcript and Delivery Details in the ordering process of the transcript. Instructions and the Transcript Request Form are available online.

Transcripts will be released to other colleges, agencies, or employers only with written authorization of the student within two business days of the request, excluding registration and end-of-semester processing. All paper/faxed transcripts are $5.00. Students can obtain a free unofficial curriculum transcript from their Self-Service account if there are no holds on their account.

Transfer to Senior Institutions

Beaufort County Community College offers college transfer programs and selected technical programs with transferability to senior institutions. Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university will receive assistance from their advisor and/or counselor in planning a transfer program; however, it is the responsibility of the student to become acquainted with the courses and credits that will transfer to the receiving institution. The acceptance of individual courses from Beaufort County Community College is determined solely by the institution to which the student plans to transfer. The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement addresses the transfer of students between institutions in the North Carolina Community College System and to constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina. Students who wish to transfer should follow these steps:

  1. Make an early decision as to which institution to attend and contact the Admissions Office of that institution for recommendations concerning transferable courses.
  2. Obtain a current copy of the catalog of the receiving institution and become familiar with the entrance requirements.
  3. Meet with an academic advisor and/or counselor at Beaufort County Community College to discuss transfer plans.
  4. One or two semesters before the time of transfer, check to see that all necessary steps are being taken to complete the transfer process. By following these steps, the student should have little or no difficulty in completing the transfer process.


The possession and concealment of weapons on College property is against North Carolina law and campus policy. The following items are classified as weapons: guns (including shotguns and rifles), stun guns, most knives, bow and arrow, dagger, dirk, throwing star, air rifle and air pistol, slingshot, leaded cane, blackjack, brass knuckles, and crossbow. It is important to remember that possession in any form is illegal. Hunting rifles and shotguns in plain view or concealed are still illegal on College property. With the passage of amendments to NCGS 14-269.2, it is no longer illegal to carry a concealed handgun on College property so long as the following requirements are met:

  1. The firearm may be a handgun only.
  2. The amendment does not apply to any other weapon or firearm.
  3. The person must have a valid concealed handgun permit issued in accordance with Article 54B of Chapter 14 of the North Carolina General Statutes or a permit considered valid under NCGS 14-415.24.
  4. The handgun must be in a closed compartment or container within that person’s locked vehicle. The person may unlock the vehicle for purposes of entrance/exit, but the vehicle must be locked immediately after entrance/exit.

All individuals in possession of a concealed handgun must comply with all other applicable state and federal regulations, including carrying proof of identification and providing same to law enforcement upon request.