Feb 12, 2025  
Beaufort County Community College 2023 - 2024 Catalog 
Beaufort County Community College 2023 - 2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Continuing Education

General Information

Continuing Education provides life-long learning experiences that will help adults fulfill occupational, social, and personal needs. Through this division, students may acquire or enhance basic academic skills, gain new or upgrade current job-related skills, and participate in courses leading to cultural, civic, and personal growth. The Continuing Education Division includes training and programs in the following areas: College and Career Readiness (adult basic education, English Language Acquisition, and high school equivalency), Business and Industry Services (Customized Training and Small Business Center), Occupational Extension, Public Safety (Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, and Emergency Management), and Personal Enrichment. The development of these courses is based on community needs and interests. A printed and digital class schedule is available before the beginning of a term (summer, fall, and spring), and offerings are also posted and updated on the Beaufort website at www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education.

Continuing Education Class Schedules

A printed and digital class schedule is available before the beginning of a term (summer, fall, and spring), and offerings are also posted and updated on the Beaufort website at https://www.beaufortccc.edu/student-records/schedules.

Who May Register?

Any individual 16 years old or older may register for a Continuing Education course. Students under the age of 16 may take Defensive Driving courses at any time throughout the year. Students under the age of 16 are not allowed to register for other continuing education courses, with the exception of personal enrichment courses offered during the summer months (May 16 - August 14).


Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please submit your registration by phone, mail, online, or in person on or before the start date of the class. If you wait, the class may be full or canceled due to low enrollment.

Fees, Books & Supplies

Registration fees are established in compliance with North Carolina law and vary according to the type and length of course. Registration fees are payable prior to or at the first class meeting and are subject to change by the N.C. General Assembly and/or the State Board of Community Colleges. Current registration fees are:

Occupational Extension Courses

  • 0-24 hours $70
  • 25-50 hours $125
  • 51+ hours $180

Self-Supporting Course Fees vary

High School Equivalency

  • GED® Testing $20 each subject or $80 total
  • HiSET® Testing $15 each subject or $75 total

National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Testing Fees

  • NCRC Initial Testing: $39
  • NCRC Retesting: $13
  • Business Writing: $22
  • Applied Technology: $15
  • Workplace Observation: $22
  • FIT: $16
  • Talent: $16
  • Personal Skills: $15

Other continuing education local course fees vary and are subject to change.

Continuing Education courses requiring the use of technology equipment, software, or the Learning Management System will include a $5 technology fee.

Continuing Education courses requiring accident insurance will include a $1.25 fee.

Continuing Education courses requiring malpractice insurance will include a $13 fee.

Fees may be waived in compliance with North Carolina Statutes, as specified under fee waivers. Other costs in continuing education classes may include textbooks, equipment, tools, or other local, specific fees. Fees are subject to change.

Continuing Education students with any outstanding balance may still enroll in occupational extension certification classes (1) if the course section is offered for the benefit of a company or agency, and (2) when course attendance is limited to employees of said company/agency, and (3) the company/agency pays the tuition. The students will be made aware that the outstanding balance remains on their account. They will be restricted to taking company/agency sponsored classes until the outstanding balance is paid in full.


The BCCC College Bookstore is open Monday, 8:00 am-3:00 pm, Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, and Friday, 9:00-12:00 pm. You can contact the bookstore at 252-940-6260 or by visiting their website at www.beaufortccc.edu/bookstore.

Class Locations

The College is committed to extending its services to locations in our service region, including business and industry. Although classes are offered continually on our main campus in Washington and at our Regional Centers in Engelhard and Roper, they have also been offered regularly in various locations across our four-county service area. Every effort will be made to make courses easily accessible. Classes may be offered in any geographic area whenever a sufficient number of citizens are interested in bringing a class to a particular location. Interested persons or parties should contact the Continuing Education Division.


Continuing Education offers four ways to register:

  • In Person: Students may register in person at the BCCC Continuing Education, Building 8, 5337 US 264 East Washington, NC 27889.
  • By Mail: The Student Registration Form can be found in our course schedule and on our website. Print or tear it out, insert payment and mail to: BCCC Continuing Education, 5337 US 264 East, Washington, NC 27889.
  • By Phone: Call 252.940.6375 to register for classes and provide credit card information for payment.
  • Online: You can now register and pay for some classes online. https://www.beaufortccc.edu/conedregistration

Payment can be made with cash, check, money order & credit card cards (MasterCard, Visa, and Discover). You must pay at the time of registration to complete your enrollment. For questions related to Continuing Education Registration and Records, please call 252-940-6375 or email continuingeducation@beaufortccc.edu.

Company/Organization Payment Process (Sponsorship Billing)

Companies and Organizations are invited to utilize the sponsorship billing process when sponsoring employees who are completing BCCC Continuing Education classes. You will not need to send a company/organization check or credit card with your employee at the time of registration. Instead, please submit a signed company/organization letter or memorandum on letterhead to our office via in-person, fax to (252) 940-6254, email to continuingeducation@beaufortccc.edu, or postal mail with the following key items:

  • Company/Organization point of contact information (in the event there are questions regarding a student or payment)
  • Billing Information (include mailing address and email address)
  • State the intent of who and what class(es) your company/organization will be responsible for in the registration process (i.e., registration fees, testing, textbooks, etc.)

Once we have received the letter/memorandum and student(s) registration form(s), the student will be registered for the class. Our BCCC Business Office will submit an invoice to your company/organization. If you have any further questions about the Sponsorship Billing process, please contact the Continuing Education Registration & Records Clerk at continuingeducation@beaufortccc.edu or (252) 940-6375

Join Our Mailing Lists

To receive a printed copy of our course catalog mailed directly to your home, please complete our online form. Catalogs are mailed in April, July, and December. Complete this form to receive a printed copy of the catalog. https://tinyurl.com/bcccmailce to www.beaufortccc.edu/mailsubscription

To join our email newsletter to receive continuing education class updates on a weekly basis, please enter your email address on our online form. https://tinyurl.com/bcccemailce to www.beaufortccc.edu/conedemail

Refunds & Withdrawals

The refund policy for Beaufort County Community College was established by the North Carolina Community College System. A student who officially withdraws from class(es) prior to the first class meeting will be eligible for a 100 percent refund. Also, a student is eligible for a 100 percent refund if an applicable class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment.

After the respective class begins, a 75 percent refund shall be made upon the written request of the student if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to or on the census date of the scheduled hours of the class. NOTE: Only class fees can be refunded in this circumstance. Technology, malpractice, accident, drug test, and testing fees are non-refundable.

Registration fees for self-supporting classes are non-refundable once the class begins.
Where a student, having paid the required registration fee for a semester, passes away during that semester (prior to or on the last day of examinations), all registration fees for that semester will be refunded to the estate of the deceased.

More information can be found at www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/general-information/registration. Please note that refunds take 30-45 days for our business office to process.


Instructors are required to take attendance for all meeting dates of the course. A student is considered absent if that student did not attend during the specified times or days the class was scheduled to meet. Students who do not attend one or more classes prior to or on the census date of the class may be dropped from the class.

Absences may be considered legitimate and eligible for makeup at the discretion of the instructor. The student is responsible for seeing the instructor, providing the reason and relevant documentation of the absence, and requesting a make-up date and/or make-up assignment.

An instructor may refuse admission to class to any student who arrives more than ten minutes late to a class. A student who leaves class early may be counted absent for that date.

Some classes may have more restrictive attendance procedures, which will be noted in the class syllabus. Attendance procedures described in syllabi will be the official procedures for that class. Continuing education certification classes governed by a state or federal accrediting agency may have attendance procedures that supersede the College’s procedures.

Attendance for online students is calculated according to required assignments and a specified level of contact as determined by the instructor. Online students have a valid entry to an online class through a written assignment submitted prior to the census date. https://www.beaufortccc.edu/assets/pandp/3-0901_attendance-procedure.pdf

Grading System

Final grades will be issued at the end of each course. Grading the performance of students in course work is the responsibility of individual Continuing Education instructors. Specific grading procedures, which may include an applicable numerical scale, will be stated in each course syllabus. An approved Continuing Education grade legend is provided on the Continuing Education Attendance Sheet Form. Continuing Education directors and coordinators are responsible for ensuring that grading procedures are consistent in all courses.

Final grades will be issued at the end of each course. Grading the performance of students in course work is the responsibility of individual Continuing Education instructors. Specific grading procedures, which may include an applicable numerical scale, will be stated in each course syllabus. An approved Continuing Education grade legend is provided on the Continuing Education Attendance Sheet Form. Continuing Education directors and coordinators are responsible for ensuring that grading procedures are consistent in all courses.

S Satisfactory
NA** Never Attended
I Incomplete
U Unsatisfactory
W** Withdrawn
AU** Audit the Course
SR** Senior Audit
P1 Passed Tier 1 of Transitions Math/English
P2 Passed Tier 2 of Transitions Math/English
P3 Passed Tier 3 of Transitions Math
R Did not complete Tier in Transitions Math/English

**Only assignable by the Continuing Education Registration and Records Office.

A student who incurs course absences in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of the class hours for that course may be withdrawn from the course (without credit). If attendance by itself is the sole criterion, a student who incurs course absences in excess of ten percent (10%) of the class hours for that course may be withdrawn from the course (without credit). Any continuing education certification classes governed by a state or federal accrediting body may have attendance procedures that supersede the College’s procedures.

Transition English and Math courses offered through College and Career Readiness are graded using grades of P1, P2, P3, and R.

Grades earned in continuing education courses are not included in GPA calculations.

For more information, see our Grading System Procedure at https://www.beaufortccc.edu/assets/pandp/3-0905_Grading%20System%20Procedure.pdf.

Student Records

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), student records are maintained in the college’s information system. Student information requested by the College, at the time of registration, consists of social security number, name, address, telephone number, date of birth, county of residence, email address, employment status, race, gender, emergency contact information, and level of education completed. For more information, see our Student Records and Privacy Policy at https://www.beaufortccc.edu/assets/pandp/6-19_Student%20Records%20and%20Privacy%20Rights%20Policy.pdf.


There are various scholarship opportunities available for students seeking funds for Continuing Education programs at Beaufort County Community College: Beaufort Promise, Continuing Education Foundation Scholarship, Golden Leaf Foundation Scholarship, State Employees Credit Union, Division of Continuing Education Scholarship, and much more! Please reach out to our Continuing Education Registration & Records Staff for more details at (252) 940-6375 or continuingeducation@beaufortccc.edu. You can also view our Financial Assistance webpage at https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/general-information/financial-assistance.


Students may obtain copies of their continuing education transcript upon written or electronic request to the Continuing Education Registration and Records Office by contacting 252-940-6375 or continuingeducation@beaufortccc.edu. Transcripts may also be requested by fax at (252)940-6254. Transcripts will be released to other colleges, agencies, or employers only with written authorization of the student. Instructions and the Transcripts Request Form are available online at https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/general-information/transcript-information. Official transcripts are $2.00. Unofficial transcripts are accessible online through the Self-Service portal at no charge.

If you earned a High School Equivalency (GED or HiSET) in North Carolina, please visit Diploma Sender at https://diplomasender.com/ to access a copy of your transcript. Please call the chief high school equivalency examiner at (252)940-6209 for questions regarding the Diploma Sender process and high school equivalency transcript information.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

The College awards Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for specific non-credit courses and special activities. The number of CEUs awarded for a course is recorded on the Continuing Education transcript and on the Certificate of Completion. Students are responsible for verifying that their governing agency will provide credit for any CEUs earned through continuing education courses.

Students enrolling in Continuing Education courses will have a permanent transcript on file at the College which lists all non-credit training completed through the College. Please reference the Transcript Procedure.

Certificates of Completion for occupational extension classes are presented on the last night of class or mailed to the student’s home. The Certificate of Completion provides the name of the course, instructional hours, number of CEU credits, signature lines for the Vice President of Continuing Education and continuing education staff member, and an embossed seal.

College and Career Readiness, Personal Enrichment, and most self-supporting courses do not award continuing education units. For more information, see our CEU Procedure.

Continuing Education Programs

College & Career Readiness

Beaufort County Community College offers College and Career Readiness classes in Beaufort, Hyde, Washington and Tyrrell Counties. Programs focus on developing academic competencies as well as the fundamental skills necessary for tomorrow’s jobs. Adults 18 years and older who lack basic skills can enroll in classes to:

  • Acquire the reading, writing and mathematical skills needed to obtain or advance in a job
  • Meet admission requirements for workforce programs
  • Study to pass the High School Equivalency (HSE) test
  • Gain basic skills for entry level employment
  • Learn the skills needed to become a productive member of society and a smarter consumer.

College and Career Readiness offers the following programs:

  • Adult Basic Education (ABE): program of instruction designed for adults functioning below a 9th grade level who need to improve their reading, writing, speaking, problem solving, or computation skills. Based on placement results from approved standardized tests, students fall into one of four ABE levels.
  • Adult Secondary Education (ASE): Program of instruction designed for adults functioning between a 9.0 - 12.9 grade level who seek to further their education and transition to postsecondary education or employment.
  • English Language Acquisition (ELA): Program of instruction designed to help limited English proficient adults achieve competence in speaking, reading, listening, and writing the English language as well as other related basic skills. ELA also assists those students seeking United States Citizenship.
  • Digital Literacy: A self-paced program that allows students to gain essential computer skills and explores the use of technology. This program provides a system of badges and certificates that provide stackable employment credentials. The Northstar digital literacy program helps students learn how to send emails, organize emails, and introduces them to commonly used software.

The program operates year-round with enrollment open at all times for new students to enter. No registration fee is required, and materials are provided by the College. All materials used have been specially prepared with emphasis on individual needs and interests. Visit our website at www.beaufortccc.edu/ccr for more information! Students are also encouraged to visit the College & Career Readiness office in Building 8, Room 814, and the phone number is 252-940-6325. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/college-and-career-readiness/home.

Business & Industry Services

Beaufort County Community College’s customized training program and small business center develops long-term strategic partnerships with business and industry leaders, assists in small business start-ups and expansions, and places Beaufort students into local jobs.

Business & Industry Services offers the following programs:

  • Small Business Center (SBC): The mission of the Small Business Center Network (SBCN) is to increase the success rate and the number of viable small businesses in North Carolina by providing high quality, readily accessible assistance to prospective and existing small business owners, which will lead to job creation and retention. Services available include: one-on-one business counseling, which provides an evaluation to determine immediate needs; resources to assist with preparation of paperwork necessary to obtain financing for a qualified new business or expansion of an existing business; and assistance for owners of existing businesses seeking information and direction. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/sbc/home.
  • Customized Training Program (CTP): Provides education, training and support services for new, expanding and existing business and industry in North Carolina. Our goal is to foster and support three key aspects of your company’s well-being: Job Growth, Technology Investment and Productivity Enhancement. Enhance your company effectiveness with strategic training solutions in quality, productivity, leadership/management, safety, mechanic skills, and much more. It is at NO COST to the company and can be held at BCCC or the business location. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/business-and-industry-services/ncedge-customized-training.
  • Apprenticeship Beaufort County: Combines on-the-job training with related classroom instruction at Beaufort County Community College. This program lets you grow your own talent with an “earn and learn” model. Upon successful completion of the program the apprentices qualify for industry recognized “journey worker” credentials in a skilled trade and academic credentials from BCCC. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/business-and-industry-services/apprenticeship-beaufort-county

Occupational Extension

Occupational Extension Programs are designed to provide instructional opportunities for individuals seeking to gain new or upgrade current job-related skills. Programs can be delivered as a single course or bundled as a series of courses, and provide instruction around skill competencies that lead to a recognized credential (licensure, certification, renewal, registry listing), and meet local workforce pipeline needs.

Programs include:

  • Healthcare programs: Designed to provide training for entry-level careers in the healthcare industry. A variety of courses are offered leading to certificates or certification, such as Nurse Aide I and Nurse Aide II, Phlebotomy, Medication Aide, Registered Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Cardiac Monitor Technician, Community Healthcare Worker, and specialized healthcare training. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/healthcare-programs/home.
  • Human Resource Development (HRD): Provides skill assessment services, employability skills training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed adults. These courses will address six core components as follows: 1) assessment of an individual’s assets and limitations; 2) development of a positive self-concept; 3) development of employability skills; 4) development of communication skills; 5) development of critical thinking skills; and 6) awareness of the impact of information technology in the workplace. A variety of courses are offered, such as National Career Readiness Certificate lab and testing, Employment Learning Lab, Resume & Interview Prep, and much more! For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/workforce-programs/home.
  • Industry Training & Workforce Initiatives: Designed to provide instructional opportunities for individuals seeking to gain new and/or upgrade current job-related skills. Training programs can be delivered as a single course or bundled as a series of courses and provides instruction around skill competencies that leads to a recognized credential (licensure, certification, renewal, registry listing) and/or meets local workforce labor needs. Successful completion of programs in this field will enable students to pursue careers in many different areas. Courses are scheduled in response to anticipated or known need to upgrade existing skills or aid in the development of new skills. A variety of courses are offered leading to certificates or certification, such as HVAC Technician, CDL Truck Driving, Registered Barber, Manicure & Nail Technician, Forklift, OSHA 10, Notary, Real Estate, Advanced Manufacturing Institute, Natural Haircare Specialist, Industrial Sewing & Upholstery Academy, Industrial Sewing and upholstery, and much more! For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/workforce-programs/home.
  • Ed2Go: BCCC offers over 350 online, highly interactive courses that cover a wide range of categories that you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our courses include expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. These high-quality courses are taught by industry experts and deliver specific skills and knowledge that help to advance student personal or professional development. Fundamentals courses start new each month or start anytime with a self-paced course. Categories include business, computer skills, medical, soft skills, language, personal development, teaching, writing, and more! Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you. For more information, visit https://www.ed2go.com/beaufortccc/. Ed2Go also offers Advanced Career Training courses online that lead to attaining an industry-recognized credential. For more information, visit https://careertraining.ed2go.com/beaufortccc/.

Public Safety

The Public Safety program offers numerous education and training programs preparing future and existing professionals for careers in public safety. These comprehensive offerings include short-term workforce training and ongoing continuing professional education and training. Each public safety program below features a comprehensive training calendar on their webpage.

  • Law Enforcement Training: Designed to provide training to local and state law enforcement agencies. Training includes Basic Law Enforcement Training, specialized law enforcement courses, supervisor training, community policing training, as well as meeting the needs for federal and state-mandated training. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/public-safety/law-enforcement-training.
  • Emergency Medical Service: Designed to meet the requirements for certifications including Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Paramedic. In addition, many specialty certifications are offered, including Community Paramedic, Critical Care Paramedic/Flight Paramedic, and much more! The program also provides required training and continuing education for credentialed EMS providers as well as citizens seeking to obtain an AHA BLS or Heartsaver CPR/AED First Aid certification. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/public-safety/emergency-medical-services.
  • Fire & Emergency Management: Designed to provide fire personnel an opportunity to gain technical information and to build skills in modern firefighting through a variety of learning experiences. Fire Service Training Program courses are conducted at local fire departments for volunteer and career firefighters who train as organized groups utilizing equipment and methods they would ordinarily use in preventing and suppressing fires. Offerings include the Fire Training Standards Program, Firefighter Certification, and specialty courses/programs. Courses are also offered to meet the workforce training needs of Emergency Management personnel, including county and state emergency managers and associated emergency response personnel and volunteers. For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/public-safety/fire-training

Personal Enrichment

Personal Enrichment programs provide courses, seminars, and community activities that contribute to an individual’s cultural, civic, and personal growth. A variety of courses are offered focusing on topics such as arts and crafts, music, firearms, motorcycle safety, defensive driving, cooking, culture, pottery, and much more! For more information, visit https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/personal-enrichment/home.

Career and College Promise Workforce Pathways

The Career and College Promise (CCP) Workforce Pathways are designed for eligible high school juniors and seniors to earn industry-recognized credentials while still in high school. The registration fee for the pathway courses is waived for eligible 11th and 12th graders. Students are responsible for purchasing textbooks and paying local course fees associated with the course. Eligible pathways include CDL Truck Driving, Nurse Aide I, Pharmacy Technician, Phlebotomy Technician, EMT, and HVAC Technician.

Students are eligible to receive high school credit if they complete CCP Workforce Pathway courses contingent upon the approval of the Career and Technical Education Director or Chief Academic Officer of their school system.

The process to register is simple:

  • Ask your principal or school counselor to complete a Verification of Eligibility Form.
  • Complete a Continuing Education Student Registration Form.
  • Bring these forms with any other required documentation to BCCC Building 8 Registration and Records desk to register. The $180 registration fee is waived. However, students are required to pay any applicable local course fees.

For more information on Career and College Promise Workforce Pathways, please visit our webpage at https://www.beaufortccc.edu/continuing-education/career-and-college-promise